In a world when we constantly crave more time, sacrificing close to 50 hours of my so limited time looks a bit like, well, a very poor time management choice.
And I’m not even in the business of social media!
And yet, here I am, for the fifth year in a row.
I wrote some 2000 words about this ‘Social Media Marketing World’ conference in my latest blog post, and hadn’t planned a follow up.
However, while trying to digest the last three days, I realized that this conference has had a direct effect on more than 25% of my financial and business success the last two years and will probably have a much wider effect in the year to come.
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Social media can grow entrepreneurs’ success rate by hundreds percents
On a Delta flight to San Diego, which is a long 21 hour trip trip to the Social Media Marketing World 2019 for the fifth year.
For me, the SMMW conference enables me to learn and understand where the world of social media is going. There are so many changes to watch and new ways to learn. Social media makes it possible to reach any human being (that uses a social network) directly. Never before on earth have there been channels and tools that enable direct connection between any two people around the world.
Let’s look backward for a minute, to 1986. This was the year I joined the world of marketing. Originally, I planned to study engineering, but the stars pointed me in a different direction.
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How to find your biggest market opportunity?
This post is about one of the best-kept secrets in business success;
The technique to find more paying customers and achieve business success is not by convincing as many people as you can to buy your product or service;
it’s about finding those people who need your product or service most and will be the first to buy your product or service and through them, finding the shortest road to success.
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100 episodes. And I never thought I would ever have my own company.
When you manage tens of millions of dollars in marketing budgets for the leading brands around the world, you are sure it’s the most influential position you can get.
A summary of 2 things I was wrong about, 1 thing I was right about, and 2 interesting questions:
I never considered having a podcast. I never considered writing a blog either.
It all started 11 years ago.
It was a month after I decided to leave my executive position as the VP of Marketing for Nokia in Israel. We managed to reach Nokia's highest targets in terms of market share, brand preference (+160%), and brand loyalty (+127%). But we mainly managed to gain back the market leadership crown, which had been stolen from us in 2003.
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