How to Market On Twitter Like a King





How to Market On Twitter Like a King


By Mike, December 2014


1. Use Twitter Lists

Twitter lists are very powerful.

As your following grows, using the list feature is crucial. Twitter lists are a way for you to group Twitter users together. You may choose to create your lists or subscribe to others lists or both.

If you’re unsure how to create a Twitter list you can learn how right now.  Quick tip on naming your Twitter list, be creative. List can show up in Google Search so name your list for keywords pertinent to your business or service.

With lists you’ll want to do 2 things:

– add people to a list. They call it Social Media for a reason. People like to be included and will appreciate the recognition of being added to a list.

– follow other people’s Twitter lists (particularly your competitors).

Following other lists is an excellent way to do market research and gather information rapidly.


2. Use Twitter Search

Use the Twitter search tool regularly.

The search function on Twitter is one of the most powerful features of Twitter.

Using the Twitter search function, you’re able to search Twitter in real time for conversations going on around:


  • Location (City, State or even Zip-Code)
  • Keywords
  • Phrases
  • Hashtags
  • Dates
  • User Accounts

With 500 million tweets sent every day, it’s certain that your prospects are on Twitter asking questions, making comments or asking for help – help that you could give to maximize your visibility while providing value at the same time.  With Twitter advanced search, you can zero in on live conversations and engage with people in real-time.



  • Realtors can find conversations about people looking to move locally.
  • Gyms can find conversations about people looking to work out.
  • Restaurants can join in on conversations of people looking to eat out.
  • Website designers can find people looking for a new website.
  • Lawyers can find people who have just in an accident are in need of legal help.

Use your imagination and jump on Twitter Advanced Search today!


3. Trend is your Friend

Similar to Google Plus Explore or LinkedIn Pulse, Twitter tells you what conversations are trending live on Twitter currently.  These trending topics are located on the left side of your Twitter profile.Consider either joining in on a valuable trending discussion to stay active in the feed or consider using some of the trending Hashtags in your Tweets.  Doing so will get you massively engaged with others and if it’s a hashtag around your niche, you can build amazing relationships.


4) Follow the Who’s Who

Find the top influencers in your local area or niche.  These are the important people to follow and engage with. This will further expose your Twitter account, build your followers faster, and more importantly, help your brand. You can use an excellent free tool likeTopsy to find the influencers in your business niche.


5) Engage, Engage, Engage

We’ve saved the most obvious and best, for last.  Engage with your followers regularly.  Remember Twitter is moving fast and unless you’re out engaging, you won’t benefit

from this amazing Social Media platform.

Make sure to regularly reach out and engage with:


  • Influencers
  • Those Retweeting you
  • Those favoriting your Tweets
  • New Followers


Consider using to better manage your Twitter relationships.

This free tool allows you to manage profiles, find your most engaged followers, build and manage your relationships, as well as many other great features.



These 5 tips will help you become the King or Queen of Twitter and they’re easy to implement.

  • Use Twitter Lists
  • Use Twitter Search
  • Trend is your Friend
  • Follow the Who’s Who
  • Engage, Engage, Engage


Social Quant will build you a large, very specific niche Twitter following, but the real magic for creating business happens when you consistently implement these 5 strategies on how to market on Twitter like a king.




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